security alarms companies
Home security cameras are a great addition to any security system, single moms and woman living on there own, as well as the elderly will feel better protected knowing who is at the door or being able to see the kids playing out front. Security cameras are also very affordable and they can easily help you and your family feel protected anywhere you go, so why wait?This method of cleaning is the most thorough form of cleaning a ventilation or HVAC system to deliver the lowest particulate count exiting an HVAC system. Actual air studies by a reputable international organization, such as NAIMA, has conclusively proven that this in fact occurs in a ventilation system, which of coarse should be a no brainer because if particulate matter was merely stuck to the sidewalls of ductwork and did not in fact circulate, then mechanical engineers would have never invented a furnace filter. How many HVAC service technicians have instructed you to never use a furnace filter?Probably, not too many, right?That is because it has been known for several decades that dirt, dust and debris will always circulate in a forced air ventilation system. Fortunately, most people are not completely unaware of this problem and have realized that occasional HVAC system cleaning can produce very good indoor air quality results when performed thoroughly and correctly. A raging debate between various companies world wide tries to advertise and endorse their methods of cleaning to convince a consumer and potential customer that their method of cleaning is superior. Rather than writing a very obvious slanted article, I realized that simply stating what the advantages and disadvantages of each cleaning method is, would allow the consumer or potential customer to decide for themselves as to which cleaning method would best serve them. Yes, I can admit that every cleaning method has a clear advantage and disadvantage. Although I would love to make every consumer and or potential customer our customer, the reality is that many factors affect where a consumer or potential customer turns to for their indoor air quality needs. The power vacuum/air sweep method involves a powerful large diameter vacuum hose generally ranging in diameter from 8” 12” that moves anywhere from 3000 CFM – 26,000 CFM cubic feet per minute of negative air draw depending on the type of power vacuum machinery being used. Typically speaking, having power vacuum machines that moves anymore that 10,000 CFM is foolish, considering the fact that all ductwork is rated for a set amount of CFM based on the size of the ductwork through external static pressure ratings, velocity and ambience.Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (2 comments)