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With these new state of the art components, a security perimeter can actually be set up outside of a home or business
that completely surrounds the building. This means that an intruder no longer has to enter a building in order to be detected, because he will trigger the alarm as soon as he is detected outside. They have range of thirty five feet, operate day or night in any type of weather conditions and can easily tell the difference between a dog, a cat or a human. This means that you will never have to be bothered by false alarms and you certainly won’t have to contend with an intruder in your home. Another thing that has made todays security systems far more effective and reliable is wireless technology, that improves systems in a number of areas. Prior to wireless technology, a security system was connected by a series of wires running throughout a building and just like you have seen in the movies these wires could be cut to disable the system. Not only that but monitored systems had to be connected to the monitoring station by a land phone line that could also be cut to disable that end of the system as well. With new wireless technology the actual components that make up the total system operate without wires and communicate with the control panel by radio waves. Each component is powered by a small battery that lasts up to three years and the component itself is programmed to signal the control panel when the battery runs low, so there is never a chance of a battery running dead. With new
advancements in micro electronics technology a modern up to date security system not only protects your home and property so much more efficiently with multiple layers of security but the the systems also has self protection elements in it that prevent it from being bypassed. Yet another new feature of todays alarm and security systems is a new user friendliness.
Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (5 comments)